In this project, I used machine learning technique to predict the ridership of new york city's subway.
Project Intro
In this project, I conducted data wrangling of the OpenStreet Map data. And used MongoDB database to store the data. Then
I made many queries to the database.
Project Intro
In this project, I used R to conduct Exploratory Data Analysis.
Project Intro
In this project I used mache learning techniques to predict which employees have conducted fraud.
Project Intro
Ever wonder what it's like to work at Facebook? Facebook and Kaggle are launching an Engineering competition for 2015. Trail blaze your way to the top of the leader board to earn an opportunity at interviewing for a role as a software engineer, working on world class Machine Learning problems.
Look at the contest here!
Project Intro
In this project, I used machine learning techniques to predict which articles of New York Times will be popular.